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Last week's must-read news and stories from the DevSecOps community
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🐾 Stories From FAUNers
faun.dev faun.dev
10 Kubernetes Security Best Practices

Kubernetes security is critical throughout the life of the container due to the dynamic and distributed nature of a cluster. For a cluster to be considered effective and stable, it needs to be secure from unauthorized changes. We’ll discuss the different kubernetes security practices that will secure your cluster and increase control of the cluster’s resources.

by @muhammadali642, Marketing at Wildcard


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🔗 Stories, Tutorials & Articles
amazon.com amazon.com
How to secure API Gateway HTTP endpoints with JWT authorizer

This blog post demonstrates how you can secure Amazon API Gateway HTTP endpoints with JSON web token (JWT) authorizers. Amazon API Gateway helps developers create, publish, and maintain secure APIs at any scale, helping manage thousands of API calls. There are no minimum fees, and you only pay for the API calls you receive.

markn.ca markn.ca
Why Do Amazon S3 Data Breaches Keep Happening?
Misconfigurations in Amazon S3 keep happening. Here’s why and how to stop them.
jfrog.com jfrog.com
Exploiting Apache Cassandra User-Defined Functions for Remote Code Execution

JFrog’s Security Research team recently disclosed an RCE (remote code execution) issue in Apache Cassandra, which has been assigned to CVE-2021-44521 (CVSS 8.4).

This Apache security vulnerability is easy to exploit and has the potential to wreak havoc on systems, but luckily only manifests in non-default configurations of Cassandra.

In this blogpost, we present the background on how we discovered the RCE security vulnerability, provide details on a PoC exploit, and share the suggested fix and mitigation options.

medium.com medium.com
Secure Google Cloud SQL Instances using Private IP: Gotchas & troubleshooting

This blog is for you, if you are planning to deploy Cloud SQL instances using private IP and/or intend to know more about the caveats of configuring Cloud SQL instances using Private IP. The official documentation on configuring Private IP on Cloud SQL service precisely covers most aspects, however this blog explains different scenarios one must consider while planning to deploy the Cloud SQL instance either in one or across multiple regions using Private IP.

This blog also helps to frame a proactive approach on the network design which is the critical foundation for any workload.

blogspot.com blogspot.com
A Seasoned Tester's Crystal Ball

Security is important. But like with other aspects of quality, it is too important for specialists. And the ways we talk about it under one term "security" or "security testing", are in my experience harmful for our intentions of doing better in this space.

infosecwriteups.com infosecwriteups.com
How I Discovered Thousands of Open Databases on AWS   ✅

My journey on finding and reporting databases with sensitive data about Fortune-500 companies, Hospitals, Crypto platforms, Startups during due diligence, and more.

securityweek.com securityweek.com
Gaining and Retaining Security Staff in The Age of the Great Resignation

Jon Check, executive director of cyber protection solutions at Raytheon Intelligence & Space, shares insights into today’s cybersecurity staffing problems and solutions.

📺 Quick Hits
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launches "first-ever cyber safety review board."
Sysdig and Snyk have announced the integration of Sysdig Secure with Snyk Container to cover container security from development through operations.
Microsoft says MFA adoption remains low, only 22% among enterprise customers.
Snyk announced the acquisition of cloud security and compliance company, Fugue. The acquisition will help Snyk enter the cloud security market. 
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🎦 Videos, Talks & Presentations
youtube.com youtube.com
Simplifying Authentication for Microservices Security

Jeff tells and shows us how to speed up microservices security and take the burden off developers by managing auth with an API gateway.

⚙️ Tools, Apps & Software
github.com github.com

BlackIP-Rep is a tool designed to gather the reputation and information of Bulk IP's. Focused on increasing the workflow of Security Operations(SOC) team during investigation.

github.com github.com

An ongoing & curated collection of awesome software practices and remediation, libraries and frameworks,payloads and techniques, best guidelines and technical resources about Application Security.


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