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Last week's must-read news and stories from GCP community
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🔗 From the web
medium.com medium.com
Processing Healthcare Data Files with GCP: Easy as 1–2–3!
An approach to clean files as soon as they land on Google Cloud Storage (GCS), using Cloud Functions to transform the data, so that it can be loaded into Big Query, for example, for analytics and processing.
medium.com medium.com
An overview of GCP Dataplex
The aim of this article is to give readers an objective overview of GCP’s Dataplex solution.
cloud.google.com cloud.google.com
Practicing the principle of least privilege with Cloud Build and Artifact Registry
How to use Cloud Build's support for per-trigger service accounts to apply the principle of least privilege to builds that push images to Artifact Registry.
tech.loveholidays.com tech.loveholidays.com
90% cost saving using Terraform to create BigQuery subscriptions to read from PubSub   ✅
For a long time, it’s been surprisingly complicated to get data from PubSub to BigQuery, but this year Google launched BigQuery subscriptions.

In this article, Mark Duce is going to take you through how loveholidays architecture has evolved as well as how to implement a BigQuery subscription using Terraform.
medium.com medium.com
Terraform CDK GCP
An introduction to Terraform CDK in GCP.

At the end of this blog, you shall achieve the following:
  • A code base that can create machines on the request
  • Validation of input variables and converting them to objects
  • Using language to automate tasks, which is the motive behind CDKs
  • An actual machine should get created
  • Process the file as an object , not like a map as one has to do in standard terraform code

💬 Discussions
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Google Cloud uptime checks can cost you more than running what they are checking
With new pricing and default settings a single uptime check target will cost you $77.76 a month. The minimum is $38.88 if you want to check every 60s.
🎦 Videos
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Canary Deployment on GCP
Using Cloud Build, Cloud Deploy and Skaffold to perform Canary Deployments on GCP.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Distributed Data Parallel Model Training Using Pytorch on GCP
Learn how to build, train and deploy PyTorch models at scale on Google Cloud.

⚙️ Tools
github.com github.com
A curated list of software and architecture related design patterns.
github.com github.com
CLI tool to generate terraform files from existing infrastructure (reverse Terraform).
github.com github.com
Sample cloud-native application with 10 microservices showcasing Kubernetes, Istio, and gRPC.
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