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Best Serverless tutorials, resources and tools from last week.
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goteleport.com goteleport.com
How Teleport Works?
Teleport provides secure access to SSH or Windows servers, Windows desktops, Kubernetes clusters, databases, and web applications. Teleport is trivial to set up as a Linux daemon or in a Kubernetes pod.

Teleport is easy to set up, open-source, and SOC 2, FedRAMP, and HIPAA compliant. With Teleport, users authenticate and receive certificates before access is granted, ensuring a secure and trustworthy solution. Try Teleport now for secure and seamless access to all your resources!

Using Teleport, your users, and servers must authenticate and receive certificates before access can be granted, which ensures a secure and reliable solution for all your resource access needs.

Experience the power of Teleport today !

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🔗 From the web
world.hey.com world.hey.com
Don't be fooled by serverless
An blog post by creator of Ruby on Rails: Don't be swayed by the hype around serverless computing.

While it can be a cost-effective solution for sporadic function executions, it's a bad deal for those needing the constant performance of an entire computer. Serverless setups can also lead to lock-in issues and hinder future migration. Remember that cloud computing is best suited for businesses with varying usage patterns or smaller operations.
blog.cloudflare.com blog.cloudflare.com
How we built an open-source SEO tool using Workers, D1, and Queues
The blog post describes how Cloudflare used their developer tools, D1andQueues, to build an open-source SEO tool called Prospector.

Prospector allows Cloudflare's SEO experts to monitor their blog and marketing site for specific keywords and receive notifications via email when a keyword is matched on a page. The tool uses Cloudflare Workers as the user-facing API, D1 to store and retrieve data in real-time, and Queues to handle the fetching of all URLs and the notification process.

The blog post also highlights the use of Hono, an Express-style API for Workers, to quickly map out a REST API in just a few lines of code, and the improved TypeScript bindings for Workers, which make it easy to define the types for environment variables and use them in the application.
www.confessionsofadataguy.com www.confessionsofadataguy.com
AWS Lambdas - Python vs Rust. Performance and Cost Savings.   ✅
The author of the article is exploring the possibility of using Rust instead of Python for AWS Lambdain order to achieve cost savings and better performance. They provide a real-life use case of converting fixed-width compressed flat files to tab-delimited files using an AWS Lambda triggered by an S3 bucket.

The author implements the solution in Python, which they find to be simple and easy to reason about, but it runs slowly and uses a lot of memory. They then write the same solution in Rust, which they find to be faster and use less memory. However, the Rust code is more verbose and has more lines of code, although this may be due to the author's relative inexperience with Rust.
www.ranthebuilder.cloud www.ranthebuilder.cloud
AWS Lambda Layers Best Practices
This blog post discusses AWS Lambda layers and provides best practices for their use.Ran Isenberg explains that Lambda layers can reduce deployment time and increase production efficiency, but they are often misunderstood and underutilized.

The post covers the basics of Lambda layers, their pros and cons, and recommended best practices.

Ran recommends building Lambda layers in the same repository as the code that uses them to optimize deployment time and reduce complexity. The post also includes tips for using multiple layers, and emphasizes the importance of security when using Lambda layers.
serverlessland.com serverlessland.com
Why Use Message Brokers   ✅
Message brokers are useful for several reasons, including:
  • reducing back pressure from downstream services,
  • preventing data loss by offering retry and replay functionality,
  • allowing for parallel processing through pub/sub patterns,
  • reducing knowledge of systems by decoupling architecture,
  • and providing extra resources such as books and messaging patterns for further learning.
Message brokers can improve system reliability and scalability while also simplifying architecture design.

⭐ Supporters
101blockchains.com 101blockchains.com
Become a Certified Web3 Professional - Enroll Now
The Certified Web 3.0 Professional (CW3P) certification is a revolutionary certification that helps learners welcome the future of the internet. The CW3P certification course is a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in understanding web 3.0 technologies.

101 Blockchains aims to help every individual learn about the implications of web 3.0 technologies and their influence on existing infrastructures and solutions. The certification training course features detailed coverage of web 3.0 basics alongside the benefits and risks. In addition, the course will help you figure out the value of web 3.0 technologies by identifying their potential use cases.

The Certified Web 3.0 Professional certification is the most reliable and exhaustive tool for anyone aspiring to learn about web 3.0 concepts.
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ℹ️ News
aws.amazon.com aws.amazon.com
AWS Application Composer is now generally available
  • AWS Application Composer is now generally available for building serverless applications
  • It allows users to drag, drop, and connect AWS services into an application architecture using a browser-based visual canvas
  • Users can start a new architecture from scratch or import existing AWS CloudFormation or AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) templates
  • The release adds improved resource support for the Amazon API Gateway and includes user interface improvements, interaction improvements, and localization in 10 languages
  • AWS Application Composer is available at no additional charge in several AWS Regions.
aws.amazon.com aws.amazon.com
Announcing lower data warehouse base capacity configuration for Amazon Redshift Serverless
  • Amazon Redshift Serverless now allows a lower data warehouse base capacity configuration of 8 Redshift Processing Units (RPU)
  • Previously the minimum base capacity required to run serverless was 32 RPU
  • With the new lowered base capacity minimum of 8 RPU, users have more flexibility to support a diverse set of workloads based on their price performance requirements
  • All users, including data analysts, developers, and data scientists, can use Amazon Redshift to get insights from data in seconds with Amazon Redshift Serverless
  • The support for lower capacity configuration is available through the Amazon Redshift Console, API and CLI in multiple AWS Regions
aws.amazon.com aws.amazon.com
AWS Lambda now supports up to 10 GB of ephemeral storage for Lambda functions in 6 additional regions
  • AWS Lambda now supports configuring up to 10,240 MB of ephemeral storage for functions in 6 additional regions.
  • This feature enables the building and running of data-intensive workloads with Lambda functions, including ETL jobs, financial computations, and machine learning inferences.
  • Ephemeral storage can be configured between 512 MB and 10,240 MB using various AWS tools and APIs.
⭐ Sponsored Jobs
faun.dev faun.dev
Senior Site Reliability Engineer (100% Remote)
Join the Web3 Revolution: Status.im is seeking a talented Infrastructure Engineer!

Contribute to the future of secure, private, and open web3 with Ethereum-based tools, DApps, and cutting-edge blockchain technology. Work remotely with a diverse, global team.

Apply now and help build the decentralized web of tomorrow.
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⚙️ Tools
github.com github.com
Cdev Python SDK
github.com github.com
D1 Manager is a web UI and API for Cloudflare D1, a serverless SQL database. It provides a user-friendly interface for managing databases, tables, and records, as well as an API for performing operations programmatically.
github.com github.com
Example open source event-driven application that generates a new bed time story for your children every night using Lambda, EventBridge, DynamoDB, App Runner, ChatGPT and DALL-E.
github.com github.com
Swift demonstration of how to build a Slack app that enables end-users to interact with a ChatGPT bot
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