Serverless Weekly Newsletter, Shipped. Curated Serverless news, tutorials, tools and more!
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🐾 From FAUNers
Automating an EC2 schedule with Python, Lambda, and CloudWatch
A step by step tutorial describing how to automate an EC2 schedule in a Serverless way.

By @dwood-97
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🔗 From the web
Monitoring website changes with Workflows, Cloud Functions and SendGrid
A developer on Google Cloud created a simple solution to monitor website changes with Workflows, Cloud Functions and SendGrid . The solution was to monitor the website of the Elysée Palace to see when the registration would open, by tracking changes on the website.
IBM Research’s Path To Serverless Quantum Computing
IBM is on the road to fault-tolerant Quantum computing, but before we get to this holy grail of quantum computing, there’s a lot of useful work that can be done using error mitigation techniques.
Running Serverless Lambdas with Rust on AWS
The easiest way to create a Lambda project for Rust language is to use cargo-lambda . This can be installed on any OS following the instruction from the documentation. Check how.
Build a logical Enterprise Data Warehouse with ADLS and Synapse Serverless SQL pool
In this post, you'll walk through creating a logical data warehouse over your ADLS data using a Serverless SQL database.
Understand Synapse dedicated SQL pool (formerly SQL DW) and Serverless SQL pool
This post is intended to explain the basic concepts of dedicated SQL pool and Serverless SQL Pool, help you understand how they work, and how to use them based on your business needs.
DevOps with serverless Jenkins and AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)
The objective of this post is to walk you through how to set up a completely serverless Jenkins environment on AWS Fargate using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).
Using GCP Media CDN with private AWS storage buckets
This blog focuses on how Media CDN supports AWS Signature Version 4 tp connect to private Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets.
Developing a Serverless Web Application Completely on Google Cloud
"Building a serverless web application with Firebase and NodeJS without downloading anything!"
Exporting Data from MongoDB to GCS Buckets using Dataproc Serverless
Apache Spark is usually first choice whenever processing of data within memory is concerned. But, Spark comes up with a maintenance cost of Dataproc Clusters over GCP. This overhead of maintaining a Spark Cluster, creates an obstacle while using Spark for new jobs. Google Cloud Community has come up with Dataproc Serverless design which allows us to run Spark jobs on Dataproc Cluster without worrying about the overhead of maintaining a Dataproc / Spark Cluster.

Dataproc Serverless design could be used for running various kinds of Spark jobs. One of the major use case involves importing and exporting data via Google Cloud Storage (GCS) Buckets.

📺 Quick Hits
AWS announced the public preview release of new data protection capabilities for Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), message data protection. This is a new way to discover and protect sensitive data in motion at scale, without writing custom code.
The open source release of WunderBase, a Serverless Database with a GraphQL API on top of SQLite, Firecracker/Fly machines, and Prisma, is available on Github.
Lightbend, the company providing a cloud-native microservices platform, announced significant changes to the licensing model for its Akka technology
An additional 5 AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) service controllers have graduated to generally available status. Customers can now provision and manage AWS resources using ACK controllers for Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), AWS Lambda, AWS Step Functions, Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP), and AWS Key Management Service (KMS).
Leap Micro 5.3, which is a modern lightweight host operating system, is now available for beta testing on
Amazon DynamoDB transactions enable coordinated, all-or-nothing changes to multiple items both within and across tables. The maximum number of actions in a single transaction has now increased from 25 to 100.
⚙️ Tools
A simple set of tools for working with Amazon DynamoDB and the DocumentClient
An scalable serverless end-to-end photo-sharing application made from 11 Google Cloud components
A modern OSS Key-Value store built for today's hardware
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Shipped #339: IBM Research’s Path To Serverless Quantum Computing
Legend: ✅ = Editor's Choice / ♻️ = Old but Gold / ⭐ = Promoted / 🔰 = Beginner Friendly

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