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🐾 From FAUNers
faun.dev faun.dev
How To Download a File With Golang Goroutine/WaitGroup ?
Go language provides a special feature known as a Goroutines. A Goroutine is a function or method which executes independently and simultaneously in your program. Check how to download a file using Goroutine/WaitGroup.

By @disco07
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🐾 Publication
faun.pub faun.pub
Dependency Injection in Golang
DI (Dependency Injection) is a technique when your modules receive dependency indirectly. They don’t know about the implementation of dependency, only about the interface. So why do we need it and how to do it?
🔗 From the web
medium.com medium.com
Why We Are Choosing Go?   ✅
TL;DR Because its simplicity makes our team more productive.
blog.canopas.com blog.canopas.com
Golang: Serverless deployment using AWS Cloudformation
Explore how to speed up your serverless application deployment using AWS Cloudformation.
medium.com medium.com
How To Create a Go Private Module With Docker
A step-by-step framework for understanding how to create, configure, and publish a Golang private module with Docker. Follow along in this short tutorial
blog.canopas.com blog.canopas.com
Integrate Google Recaptcha Enterprise using Vue.js and Golang   ✅
Google Recaptcha uses advanced risk analysis engines and automated public turing tests to protect our application from spam or abusive activities by bots. It can be able to identify bots and humans and let valid users use our application.

Check how to integrate it into your Go/Vue.js projects.
blog.sylver.dev blog.sylver.dev
Build a custom Go linter in 5 minutes
Creating a custom linter can be a great way to enforce coding standards and detect code smells.

In this tutorial, you'll use Sylver's, a source code query engine to build a custom Golang linter in just a few lines of code.
tanveerprottoy.medium.com tanveerprottoy.medium.com
Structuring Go application in a modular way
Tanveer Prottoy explains how to structure a Go application in a modular fashion.
betterprogramming.pub betterprogramming.pub
Build a NoSQL Database From The Scratch in 1000 Lines of Code
Amit Davidson introduces LibraDB, a database he created in Go.

🎦 Videos
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
GopherCon UK 2022   ✅
Videos from all of GopherCon UK speakers, recorded in August 2022

💼 Jobs
- Stream is looking for a Remote DevOps Engineer (Visa sponsorship) .
- Code.org is looking for a Remote Software/Security Engineer .

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⚙️ Tools
github.com github.com
Yaegi is Another Elegant Go Interpreter
github.com github.com
A cli tool to proxy and analyze TCP connections.
github.com github.com
Scraply a simple dom scraper to fetch information from any html based website
github.com github.com
CPU feature identification for Go
github.com github.com
fgtrace is an experimental profiler/tracer that is capturing wallclock timelines for each goroutine. It's very similar to the Chrome profiler.
github.com github.com
A library for creating generic graph data structures and modifying, analyzing, and visualizing them.
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